Learning and Technology

With the vast amount of information and the advancements in technology, the way students learn and the how faculties teach is changing. This shift in education, driven by technology, has uncovered an opportunity for school libraries to play an important role in school improvement in this educational transformation era (Canadian Library Association, 2014). “For technology to affect student learning, schools must ensure that appropriate resources are in place” (Day, 2010, p. 43). The Learning Commons will supply these resources. The Learning Commons goes beyond the provision of resources, however; it enables learners and faculty to use and experiment with the resources. “The finding of most studies is that technology initiatives will be successful only if professional development and technology support are part of the implementation process” (Nagel, 2010 as cited in Logan, 2010, p. 34). The Royal Bay Learning Commons acts as the laboratory for the experimentation and understanding how the technology can best support the pedagogy to increase student learning and motivation.
Written by Tanya Phillips
Candian Library Association (2014). Leading Learning: Standards of Practice for School Library Learning Commons in Canada. Retrieved from http://clatoolbox.ca/casl/slic/llsop.pdf
Day, C.W. (2010, Feb 1). Classroom Technology: Do you have the right tools for 2010. American School and University Magazine. Retrieved from http://asumag.com/constructiontechnology/tech-talk-classroom-technology
Hayes. T (2014, Jan) Library to Learning Commons. A Recipe for Success. Education Canada Magazine. Retrieved from http://www.cea-ace.ca/education-canada/article/library-learning-commons
Logan, G. (2010). Mobile Technologies in the Classroom. ATA Magazine, 91(1), pp. 32-35.