Revolutions – Social Studies 9

Put your research skills to the test!

Revolutions Research Project and Grading Rubric

According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, a revolution is “a fundamental change in political organization; especially the overthrow or renunciation of one government or ruler and the substitution of another by the governed”.

Link to Research Skills Slidedeck

1. Firstly, start some where reliable.

Great Databases and Websites to Start Your Research:

You can also find these on the Student Resources Page on the RBSLC website.

  • for Cuban Revolution – search Fidel Castro



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2. How do we know if the information we find on the internet is reliable?

  • To critically evaluate the sources you find on the internet, use the CRAAP test.

3. Once you determine that a source is reliable, how do we use the information without plagiarising?

  • Use this slideshow to help you with APA formatting for your citations and how to avoid plagiarism.
  • For more information on APA and Plagiarism:
    • Plagiarism
    • APA

      Did you know that Google Docs now have the ability to make your citations? Get the Easy Bib add-on.  Mrs. Phillips will show you how to do this.

  • select: get add ons 
  • search EASY BIB
  • add it by clicking:

    Images – filter to get images that are open source.

  • Select: Advanced Search >scroll to the bottom> usage rights > free to use and share

4. Note Taking

  • Use this template to support your research.  It is a google doc, open it and make a copy to be able to enter your content.  Or, print it off to make notes using pen/pencil.   Note Making Template


5. Bibliography

  • Build this as you go. This ensures that you list all sources and you won’t be left scrambling at the end to try to consolidate your sources.

Additional Resources:

American Revolution

Haitian Revolution

Cuban Revolution

Mexican Revolution

Russian Revolution

German Revolution