
Click HERE to access LearnNowBC.
The LearnNowBC portal offers free services that support student-centered learning for K-12 students, adult learners, parents and educators.
In supporting student-centered learning and flexibility, LearnNowBC provides the following services:
- Tutoring & Study Centre supports students in their learning beyond the typical school hours through streaming video lessons, self-assessments and access to live tutors;
- Post-secondary, trades and career advice is available for adults, K-12 students and parents that focusses on the individual needs, strengths and interests of the learner;
- An online flexible teaching and learning environment that allows educators to deliver synchronous instruction and assessment to learners;
- An online meeting space for administrators and other educational leaders in the province to share emerging educational pedagogy;
- Easy access to district subscribed digital educational resources for continuous learning;
- Daily Physical Activity (DPA) tracker meets the needs of flexible recording, including mobile technologies, and supports educators in the assessment of student healthy living;
- Young Learning Centre provides learning resources for young learners and parents to assist in the development of early literacies;
- Course Finder provides students with choice in locating course and school information for distributed learning options; and
- A dedicated Support Desk providing learners, parents and educators with live telephone and email assistance on educational and technical issues.
The LearnNowBC portal is managed by the School District 73 Business Company (SD73BC) under an agreement with the British Columbia Ministry of Education.