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BC Points to the Past

Know BC

Historica Canada is the largest independent organization devoted to enhancing awareness of Canadian history and citizenship.

The Canadian War Museum is Canada’s national museum of military history and one of the world’s most respected museums for the study and understanding of armed conflict.
Aboriginal-Canadian Veterans

“To enhance Canadians’ knowledge, understanding and appreciation of events, experiences, people and objects that reflect and have shaped Canada’s history and identity, and also to enhance their awareness of world history and cultures.” (Canadian Museum of History Act)

What do you want to learn about British Columbia? Start with a subject, story, time or place.
Check out the BC Archives for a number of primary sources. Click on the link below and use the search window at the top right side of the BC Archives page.
This guide is intended to help researchers locate material on British Columbia First Nations at the BC Archives as well as to provide referrals to related resources available elsewhere.

Aboriginal-Canadian Veterans
For more Aboriginal Content Resources:
Current Events, Politics, and Issues Resources
Residential Schools and Colonial Impacts
For access to primary sources, try:
Canadian History
This site allows you to search for primary sources. Once in site, scroll down a bit and enter search term(s) in the Search window.
Digital Historical Resources from UVic and UBC
These collections highlight history of the Province of British Columbia and the area generally defined as the Pacific Northwest. See also Victoria and Vancouver Island and East Asian and Asian Canadian Collections.
Local newspapers reflect the social and cultural life of their communities and thus remain a vital source of information for community members and scholars alike. Enhancing access to this valuable information encourages the study of British Columbia history and brings research material to historians across the province and beyond.
The BC Historical Newspapers project features digitized versions of historical papers from around the province. Date from 1865 to 1994. Access to the microfilm used to create this collection generously provided by the Royal British Columbia Museum and British Columbia Provincial Archives.
~Open Collections, UBC
Senior Research Skills
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