Google Apps for Education

Professional Learning Community:
Join the RBSS  G-Suite (GAFE) Professional Learning Community in Google Classroom (get the classroom code from Tanya Phillips).



Google Apps for Educators slide deck that was shared at the staff meeting​

How to get started:

1.  As a teacher using GAFE or G-Suite, you must view the following SD62 Privacy Briefing:

2. Once you have completed the briefing, you must visit a form where you will sign in with your account and acknowledge that they’ve read the reference materials. This form is available at:

3. To request student accounts, you must have students and parents review and give consent by visiting this HERE.

If parents do not have access to the internet, the paper forms may be submitted to Tanya Phillips.
SD62 GAFE Letter of Intent  and SD62 GAFE Consent


4.  PLEASE inform students of their username change, once their account is created.  If for example a student’s name is Sara Cook and her student number is 529566, the new username will drop the 52 and is replaced with the student’s initials to make: sc9566


Start up guide to get students logged into google classroom.