Calculus 12 History of Mathematics Project
Welcome to the Learning Commons, Calculus 12!
How to approach your research for your History of Mathematics Project:
1. Citation of Resources
- At Royal Bay (and most post secondary institutes) you will be expected to cite your resources using APA.
What is APA?
- The last page of your research paper should be titled “References” which lists all references you paraphrased, cited, and copied images from.
- Click HERE for additional tools to help with APA.
2. Research Data Bases
Gale Science in Context is a good place to start. This database will provide you with references, biographies, academic journals, images, news articles and magazine articles all related to your search topic. Bonus: It will create an APA citation for you!
EBSCOhost is a powerful online reference system accessible via the Internet. It offers a variety of proprietary full text databases and popular databases from leading information providers. You must select which databases you want it to search.
World Book Advanced is the perfect research companion for high-school students, Advanced contains academic tools to assist with research projects and general information-seeking resources.
Timeline from World Book is a great tool that I encourage you to use for this project.
3. Google Scholar 
Google scholar is a search tool that allows you to easily do a broad search of academic literature.
- Search all scholarly literature from one convenient place
- Explore related works, citations, authors, and publications
- Locate the complete document through your library or on the web
- Keep up with recent developments in any area of research
- often and how recently an article has been cited in other scholarly literature
Set Google Scholar to the University you will be attending. Scholar will show you if you can get the article from your University library.
Check out the Chrome Extension:
4. Note Making Template
5. Talk to Mrs. Phillips or Mrs. Martin for help searching our collection for books that are related to your topic. You can also search Destiny Quest to see what books are specifically related to your chosen topic.
6. Critical Evaluation of Internet Resources
7. (Optional) If you have a Google Apps for Education Account and would like to learn more about how to write your paper using Google docs and create your presentation using Google slides.
Click Here
Also, talk to Mrs. Phillips she is always happy to help you navigate this amazing tool.